What they make: Cryoablation to reduce the appearance of age spots

What they make happen: Control

Role Model: The Boss

The Glacial Rx woman is results oriented. Smart. Powerful. Confident. She doesn’t have to overtly exert her strength—it oozes from her. You can see it best when she just sits back and smiles. It’s a natural confidence that matches her natural beauty. She’s got it together. She gets what she wants while still being nice. That’s why everyone wants to work with her, be around her, and be her. No matter what she does in her life, she’s a boss. And that’s exactly what she sees in Glacial Rx.

Nevro work image
Edwards implanter campaign image, proud lion
Glacial Rx campaign image, attractive woman with clear skin
Delta Dental campaign image, smiling boy
Amgen work image
Edwards Referrer campaign image, doctor and elderly guitar player